20 Mar // Staking
$SEED staking is live: let's get growing!

gm gardeners! 🌸

We’ve got some exciting news to share from our digital greenhouse: $SEED🌱 staking is officially live on Garden!

Here’s a rundown of what to look forward to:

Key Staking / Rewards Dates:

  • Staking Kick-off: Staking would be live around the time this blog goes live and can be accessed here.
  • Claiming S2 Rewards: You can start claiming your Season 2 rewards on Thursday, March 21 (12:00 PM UTC). You reap what you sow, so enjoy your harvest!🌾
  • Earning Time: The real action begins on Sunday, March 24 (12:00 AM UTC). That’s when the first epoch (1 epoch = 1 week) kicks off, and your staked SEED can start earning rewards.

Who Can Stake SEED?

Got 2,100 or more SEED tokens? Then you’re in! It’s that simple. So if you’ve been collecting $SEED, now’s the time to put them to work.

Where to Stake Your $SEED?

$SEED staking will take place on Arbitrum. We’re all about making things easy and accessible, and Arbitrum’s lightning fast, low-cost chain helps us do just that.

Since all the $SEED action took place on Ethereum for season 1, you’ll need to move your $SEED over to Arbitrum for staking. The easiest and safest way to do so is via the official Arbitrum bridge🌉

And if you’re concerned about $SEED liquidity on Arbitrum, fear not! We’re setting up a $SEED liquidity pool on Uniswap, so there’ll be plenty of room for trading and liquidity.

$SEED Earnings & Rewards Structure

$SEED staking earnings will vary in accordance to how many Garden users are staking, and for how long. But we’re keeping things transparent with a dynamic APY ticker right on Garden’s staking page, so you’ll always know what’s up.

Also, here's how the reward distribution will take place: Rewards for season 1 and 2 will be distributed over the next 10 epochs, starting from March 24, 2024.

To be eligible for the rewards of an epoch, you have to have your $SEED staked for that entire epoch.

How is Staking different with Garden?

Our staking program stands out due to its unique approach to the roles of fillers and stakers, and how they interact to enrich the Garden ecosystem.

Stakers play a vital role in maintaining the system's integrity by overseeing fillers and ensuring their ethical and efficient operation. They have the authority to reward diligent fillers with additional orders, thus preventing any single filler from dominating the system completely. This balanced approach creates a healthy and competitive environment where fillers are encouraged to excel while maintaining fairness and transparency.

Additionally, staking 210k offers an opportunity for anyone to potentially become a filler, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility within the ecosystem. This democratization of participation promotes active engagement and instills a sense of ownership among participants, driving the collective growth and success of the Garden ecosystem.

Let’s Get Growing!🌳

So, there you have it. We’re excited to see how Garden grows alongside your freshly sown $SEED, as we continue to develop token utility and additional features for Garden. If this is your first introduction to our staking program, read our thesis behind the program.

Stay tuned for a step-by-step guide on the staking process and let’s get growing!

About Garden

Garden is the fastest way to swap BTC and WBTC, providing a 10x improvement over existing options. It is decentralized, trustless, audited and not a real garden.

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Last edited on 4 Jul
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